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AARON urine bags

Our urine bags are designed and manufactured in our manufacturing plant in Spain with the best materials and components, making them a top-quality disposable product that is reliable against possible leaks.

All our bags pass rigorous quality controls before, during and after the production process.

 *Products manufactured in SPAIN. They do not contain Phthalates.

Main features:
  • PVC without Phthalates.

  • Flexible material with a soft touch finish.

  • Measurement scale.

What are they and what are they for?

For those who suffer from urinary incontinence or have recently undergone surgery, the use of a urine collector is a comfortable, practical and hygienic solution for the patient. 

These products focused on personal care and well-being are very popular among patients who suffer from incontinence.

The urine bag collects the liquid secreted by the patient through a catheter to relieve urinary retention. When reaching its maximum capacity, it must be emptied to guarantee the patient's hygiene and thus avoid possible urinary infections.

There are different types of urine bags, among which we find the bed urine bag, which is fixed to the side of the bed, and the leg urine bag, which is attached to the patient's thigh to facilitate mobility.

Likewise, using a urine collector makes diuresis control easier for health professionals, since urine bags for hospitals are manufactured with transparent sheets to facilitate the quantification and assessment of the amount of urine secreted by the patient over a period of time. .


Descárgate las instrucciones de uso

Todas nuestras bolsas de orina tanto de cama y pierna incluyen instrucciones de uso. No obstante descárgatelas aquí mismo haciendo clic en el siguiente enlace.



- Capacidad Disponible: de 500 ml hasta 5 litros
- Fabricadas con materiales de grado médico libres de ftalatos.
- Producto libre de látex.
- Suave al tacto y agradable con la piel.
- Válvulas anti goteo de seguridad.




- Empaquetadas en polybags de 10, 20 y 30 unidades (según referencia)

- Opciones a granel disponibles para hospitales y centros médicos.




- Percha / Colgadores disponibles para bolsas de orina de 2 litros
- Cintas de sujeción para bolsas de orina de pierna.

*Ambos incluidos con el paquete de 10, 20 y 30 unidades.

Accesorios fabricados con los más altos estándares de calidad en producto médico para un funcionamiento óptimo del producto durante su uso.


Discover our range of urine bags.

Gama bolsas orina
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